Underrated Christmas Songs, Day 7: Kirk Franklin & The Family, “Now Behold The Lamb”

Underrated Christmas Songs, Day 7: Kirk Franklin & The Family, “Now Behold The Lamb”

kirk franklin christmas

Every year at Soul In Stereo, we spent 25 days featuring our favorite holiday songs. But this year, we’re featuring the 25 most underrated Christmas songs — those songs that bring back wonderful memories, yet few people seem to know them. Let’s give those songs the shine they deserve.

Presents and snow and food and presents and more presents are cool and all, but those things often distract us from the reason for the season. Leave it to Kirk and the Fam to keep us grounded. This song is so powerful that my church choir sang it all year-round, not just in December. Take a listen and get your soul right.

Want to add your favorite underrated Christmas songs to our monthlong playlist? Simply drop them off at soulinstereoblog@gmail.com, on our Facebook page, on Twitter @etbowser, or stop by the comments section. Merry Christmas, playas!


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