If you’re a fan of the SoulBack Podcast, and at this point you should be, you know we’ve spent the past couple of months reviewing the evolution of R&B during the 2000s.
One of that era’s more consistent – and a tad underrated – voices is Myron Avant, who seemingly appeared out of nowhere at the start of the decade, sprinkling hits and beloved duets all throughout. It didn’t take long for Avant to establish himself as one of R&B’s new headliners.
You know the hits, but do you know the albums? Today, we’re gonna dive deep into Avant’s discography to separate (no pun intended) the wheat from the chaff, ranking all nine of his LPs from bottom to top. As always, quality, impact, consistency and legacy all factor into these rankings.

9. The VIII (2015)
Soul In Stereo rating: 3 stars out of 5
Edd said: The VIII certainly had good intentions. As always, Avant plays the loverman role expertly and a couple tracks do hit home – it’s just that those wins just aren’t consistent. The VIII tries its hardest to tug at the listener’s heartstrings but sometimes struggles due to more than a few mediocre cuts. It’s an emotional rollercoaster for sure, it just needs more high points to make it memorable.
Forgotten favorites: “Note,” “Special,” “Come Get It”

8. The Letter (2010)
Soul In Stereo rating: 3.5 stars out of 5
Edd said: Copy/paste my thoughts for The VIII and drop ’em off here. The Letter has its high points – forgotten single “Kiss Goodbye” should be mentioned way more during convos of Avant’s greatest hits – but several awkwardly written songs and middle-of-the-road performances keep this one from reaching its potential.
Forgotten favorites: “Graduated,” “Kiss Goodbye,” “Your Body is the Business”

7. Ecstasy (2002)
Soul In Stereo rating: 3.5 stars out of 5
Edd said: That sophomore slump ain’t no joke. After Avant hit big with his platinum-selling solo debut, the follow-up Ecstasy felt somewhat underwhelming. Sure, there are a couple of memorable singles here and there but, unlike that debut, the album cuts just don’t carry their weight. Thankfully, AV pulls the nose up by the album’s end.
Forgotten favorites: “Thinkin About You,” “You Ain’t Wrong,” “One Way Street”

6. Can We Fall in Love (2020)
Soul In Stereo rating: 3.5 stars out of 5
Edd said: Avant’s most recent album is just a few months old and is a solid comeback after a half-decade hiatus. At just 40 minutes, it’s a brief, easy listen (a welcome sight in the days of 25-track behemoth playlists). What it lacks in flash it makes up for in substance and consistency. Can We Fall In Love isn’t a game changer, but it’s a reminder that Avant still has gas in the tank.
Forgotten favorites: “Can We Fall in Love,” “You Don’t Love Me No More,” “Edible”

5. Private Room (2003)
Soul In Stereo rating: 3.5 stars out of 5
Edd said: Aight, so this is an interesting one. I was kinda shocked to see so many fans of this one in the Soul In Stereo Cypher on Facebook; my memories of this one were somewhat mediocre. But see, that’s why I always relisten to every album when compiling these rankings – memories can fail you over time. Private Room is a bit better than I remembered. Tracks like “Have Some Fun” and “Hooked” wisely switched up his usual mellow formula but, once again, a few forgettable album cuts and awkward sequencing hinder the flow of this one. Private Room is far from perfect but it’s a bit of a course correction after his sophomore album.
Forgotten favorites: “Read Your Mind Part II,” “Feast,” “Everything About You”

4. Avant (2008)
Soul In Stereo rating: 4 stars out of 5
Edd said: Despite featuring Avant’s last top 20 single to date, his self-titled album seems a bit lost to time. That’s a shame – it’s Avant in his comfort zone and, unlike the previous albums on this list, is a much more consistent project. The LP features more than a few well-written songs and his alluring tone still stand up today. It’s solid, if not very distinct, release.
Forgotten favorites: “French Pedicure,” “Involve Yourself,” “Sailing”

3. Face the Music (2013)
Soul In Stereo rating: 4 stars out of 5
Edd said: Ask me Avant’s most underrated album and I’ll quickly point to 2013’s Face the Music. Like most of Avant’s latter-day efforts, Face the Music lacks a memorable single, but it more than makes up for that with an array of stellar album cuts, fantastic production and alluring melodies. Of all of Avant’s albums, this one gets the most time on my playlists today.
Forgotten favorites: “When It’s Over,” “Best Friend,” “Like You”

2. Director (2006)
Soul In Stereo rating: 4 stars out of 5
Edd said: If you haven’t been paying attention, one of my biggest knocks against Avant is that while he delivers great songs, his albums can be inconsistent. Fan favorite LP Director bucks that trend, standing as one of his most consistent efforts. The groove mostly stays mellow but he picks up the intensity when necessary. I also love the snippets of the title track playing throughout the album – it’s a very minor touch that helps make this feel like a fully formed project and not a random collection of songs. Director is yet another Avant album that might not get love in mainstream circles, but Day One fans know what’s up.
Forgotten favorites: “This is Your Night,” “With You,” “Director”

1. My Thoughts (2000)
Soul In Stereo rating: 4 stars out of 5
Edd said: You never forget your first time, and what a way to come out of the gate. Avant’s “Separated” was a sensation in 2000, and his debut album proved he was a rookie on the rise. Career-defining singles and impressive album cuts were delivered with the skill of a industry veteran. If you’re an Avant fan, it’s a safe bet that My Thoughts is in your collection – it stands as his most defining work.
Forgotten favorites: “Reaction,” “Destiny,” “Happy”
What are your favorite Avant albums? Private Room fans, feel free to slander me in the comments.

I like literally every point presented and I know the full catalog. I mean the reviews are 1oo% agreeable. He shouldve done features much more during the primetime of his popularity. Avant will always be a classy appealing and respectable ticket. He’s always represented the right way and has a knack for making a recording feel & sound like immediate-vintage. Love Ya Vant!