Ultimate Christmas Playlist Day 10: Whitney Houston, ‘Do You Hear What I Hear’

Ultimate Christmas Playlist Day 10: Whitney Houston, ‘Do You Hear What I Hear’


What’s Christmas without classic music? This year we’re celebrating the holidays by letting our readers curate the Ultimate Christmas Playlist. Each day we’ll add one new song to our Spotify playlist on our way to Christmas Day. And I know you wanna add your favorite song, right?

Leave your selections on the comments of this post, at our Soul In Stereo Cypher Facebook page, hit me up on Twitter @etbowser, or email us at soulinstereoblog@gmail.com. Simply name your song and give us a sentence or so telling us why you love it. 

Charles Williams never disappoints with his recommendations.

“Whitney Houston, “Do You Hear What I Hear?” I love this song because it is one that you don’t hear too often anymore. But when you hear this version, Whitney’s voice just takes it to another level. I also love hearing her mother singing background vocals on this. It is just a classic song that a classic voice brought to life.”


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