Flashback Friday: Musiq Soulchild and Bilal

Happy Friday, people! July 4 was a couple of days ago, but most people we know are still partying. Let us add a few new tunes to your summer soundtrack.

Edward likes singers who have trouble spelling.

Musiq Soulchild, Aijuswanaseing (2000)

Edd said: “Time to date myself. Near the end of my college tenure, there was a song that every woman on campus was obsessed with. The song was called “Just Friends” but I could never determine the identity of the singer. My girl @JeneeinKC solved the mystery – Musiq Soulchild, or Mu-ZEEK, as she always called him. Musiq gets no love for his poor spelling (the album title is supposed to read “I Just Wanna Sing”) but he gets lots of props for ushering the neo-soul movement to mainstream radio.”

Also check out:

Javacia likes singers that Edward doesn’t.

Bilal ,1st born second (2001)

Jai said: “To this day Edd cannot understand why I am such a Bilal fan. If you’re familiar with Bilal you know his voice is pretty unique and therefore an acquired taste. But this soulful, introspective album is exactly how he won me over.

Also check out:
“Queen of Sanity”
“When Will You Call”

Now, it’s your turn. Email edward@soulinstereo.com, hit us up on Twitter @etbowser or @writeousbabe, or stop by the comments section and share your Flashback Friday album.  Leave a couple of sentences describing what makes it so great. We’ll feature your album on the blog.


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