Flashback Friday: Mya and X Clan

Flashback Friday: Mya and X Clan

It’s the most beautifulest day of the week! Celebrate Friday with a couple of albums I bet you haven’t heard in years.


Mya, Moodring (2003)

Mya’s set to release her eighth album TKO (The Knock Out) in a couple of weeks so it’s amazing to look back and realize that her third set, Moodring, is 15 years old. Lawd, we’re old. Of course, “My Love is Like … Wo” is the album’s big standout but I was a pretty huge fan of “Fallen” – it’s one of her best tracks. It’s so good I’ll forgive her incorrect use of the word “fallen.”

Also check out:


“Why You Gotta Look So Good,” featuring Lloyd Banks

to the east blackwards

X Clan, To the East, Blackwards (1990)

Man, talk about ahead of their time – in this EXTRA WOKE world we’re living in, X Clan would be the lords of Black Twitter. Their messages of empowerment are just as powerful now as they were back in 1990. They’re truly one of hip-hop’s most unsung groups. Vanglorious!

Also check out:

“Funkin’ Lesson”

“Raise the Flag”

Now, it’s your turn. Email soulinstereoblog@gmail.com  hit me up on Twitter @etbowser, or stop by the comments section and share your Flashback Friday album. Leave a couple of sentences describing what makes it so great. I’ll feature your album on the blog.


1 Comment

    • Cate
    • April 13, 2018

    “Fallen” is my all-time fav by her.


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