Flashback Friday: Tank and Wu-Tang Clan

Flashback Friday: Tank and Wu-Tang Clan

It’s Friday, people! Get excited or something!

If you need a little more motivation, revisit these old favorites.

Tank, Force of Nature (2001)

Tank’s latest album drops next week (album review on the way!) so let’s revisit his first effort, which showed tons of promise. Tank’s one of R&B’s last soul survivors, with an emphasis on soul. He’s an artist who doesn’t rely on current trends to shape his music. We’ll soon see if his latest is as solid as his debut.

Also check out:
“Maybe I Deserve”
“Let It Go”

Wu-Tang Clan, The W (2000)

In honor of the Wu reuniting on The Daily Show, let’s look back at the best album they dropped that no one seems to remember. It’s certainly not 36 Chambers or Wu-Tang Forever, but The W is a mighty piece of work in its own right. Gritty, powerful, angry, with just a touch of sorrow and social justice thrown in – elements of a classic Wu record. We can only hope that A Better Tomorrow, which drops in November, will be this good.

Also check out:
“I Can’t Go to Sleep”
“Hollow Bones”
The Top 20 Wu-Tang Clan Songs

Now, it’s your turn. Email soulinstereoblog@gmail.com  hit me up on Twitter @etbowser, or stop by the comments section and share your Flashback Friday album. Leave a couple of sentences describing what makes it so great. I’ll feature your album on the blog.


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