Lessons Learned

Happy New Year’s Eve!

My favorite day of the year is finally here. For me NYE is more about possibilities than parties as I finalize my list of goals for the coming year, goals that, on this day at least, I truly believe I will accomplish. 

In preparation for today and the year to come I spent most of yesterday reflecting on 2010.

I began the day writing a blog post in which I gave thanks for the wonderful people in my life, people who made 2010 a good year. Then I read through my prayer journals to reflect on what God has taught me and how I’ve been blessed this year. 

Here are the three most important lessons learned in 2010 that I will take with me into 2011:

Believe in miracles. Reading through my prayer journals was quite eye-opening. It’s so incredible to read your prayers and realized they were all answered. As I enter 2011 I must remember that even though faith without works is dead, I cannot rely solely on my own works. I must rely on God to make my dreams come true.  

Joy is a choice. 2011 is bound to have its share of adversity just as 2010 did, but how I respond to these negative circumstances is up to me. I have a bad habit of letting stress overwhelm me, but in 2011 I shall choose joy. 

It’s not about me. In October I attended an incredibly enlightening and inspiring women’s conference at my church. Holly Wagner, the keynote speaker, reminded us ladies that our spiritual journeys are just about us. I am to gain spiritual wisdom so I can pass it on to others, especially other women. As it is written in Proverbs 31, I must us my writing to “speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves.” As an educator I have the great responsibility and privilege of being a role model for girls. I must ask myself daily, “Am I living my life in a way that would make younger women want to follow?

What lessons did you learn this year that you plan to carry into 2011?


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