Kinky Curly Curling Custard Review

Kinky Curly Curling Custard Review

I mentioned in a post last month that this summer I plan to to test a number of different natural hair products and styling techniques and share the ups and downs of these little experiments with my Georgia Mae readers.  

First on my dance card is Kinky Curly Curling Custard. I’ve heard many of my fellow natural ladies rave about this product, but I’ve always been afraid to use it because the Curling Custard is a styling gel, not a cream. When I think of gel I instantly thing of stiff and sticky hair and that’s just not cute. 

But I had a few other factors that motivated me to give it try. First, I learned that it’s a product that works best when used alone. As I mentioned before, I’m a fan of the Leave-In Conditioner by Mixed Chicks. However, to fight frizz I also must apply Carol’s Daughter’s Hair Milk to my tresses after combing the Mixed Chicks product through my wet hair. Though the Kinky Curly Curling Custard is expensive (a 16 ounce container will run you about $30) if I get away with only using that I’d certainly save money. Furthermore, the Curling Custard is available at my local Whole Foods store, which will save on shipping costs. I order the Mixed Chicks product online and must occasionally order the Hair Milk online as well when it’s out of stock at Sephora. Moreover, Kinky Curly Curling Custard boasts a list of natural ingredients such as chamomile, nettle and marshmallow, aloe vera juice, agave nectar extract, and vitamin E.  

Before trying the custard I shampooed and deep conditioned my hair as I normally do. Then  I applied the custard to my wet hair. The directions instruct those of us with thick coarse curls to divide our wet hair into small sections and then comb, brush, or rake the product into each sections. After combing the custard through my curls I let them air dry as usual. 

Initially, I was worried. The custard made my hair look so shiny. I don’t mean that healthy sheen that we all want. I mean shiny like this:

My hair also felt a little stiff at the ends for a bit. But once my hair was dry my curls were back to their soft and bouncy selves and I didn’t look like a poster girl for Jheri Curl activator. In fact my hair looked just as good as, if not better than, it does when I use Mixed Chicks Leave-In Conditioner and Carol’s Daughter Hair Milk, but I only used one product. I did find that my curls looked and felt better on the days that I also co-washed my hair. So I’ve made this a daily habit. (My Carol’s Daughter Tui Hair Smoothie is much too expensive to use on a daily basis, so I save that for deep conditioning and use Aussie Moist Conditioner for daily co-washing.) 

Looks like Kinky Curly Curling Custard has a new fan. 

A couple of photos of my kinky curly ‘do:



    • valerie
    • July 13, 2010

    GIRL what are you talking about?!?! you don’t look like a soul glo commercial!! haha your hair is beautiful!

    i personally like KCCC because it has aloe vera juice and other things that lay my hair down smooth. I don’t mean flat, i mean…the cuticles of my hair aren’t raised and rough, ya know? my coils are smooth, spirally and shiny!

    you should write a review here

    Someone suggested to me Donna Marie MiraCurl as well.

    great post!

  1. I like Kinky Curly but it does seem to leave my hair to dripping wet so lately ive been using the diffuser to hurry along the drying.

  2. oh wow Jai! You hair looks amazing! Makes me want to cut the locs and start over

  3. I also bought Kinky-Curly before but my hair was much shorter then. I might try it again since your hair looks great!

  4. Thanks for all the compliments, ladies! You’re going to make me blush. 🙂

    More natural hair care posts coming soon!

  5. Your hair looks great and thank you for the review! It’s great to know about all the awesome products out there!

    • Geralyn
    • July 30, 2010

    Well J, you know that I live by my KC line! I will drive all the way home just to get to Whole Foods to get my “natural crack!” I have found that my hair is a little sticky sometimes, but I still gotta have my fix!

    @Tasha – The reason that I love KCCC is because my hair doesn’t drip . . . that’s ironic.

  6. Your hair is gorgeous! Thanks for doing the review.

  7. your hair looks wonderful i havent tried kinky curly yet but i will very soon.

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