August 25, 2010 6 Edd’s MANtra: Where Were You? Nine years ago today, we learned that R&B superstar Aaliyah died in a plane crash in the Bahamas. [...]
August 24, 2010 3 Why I’m a fan of Eat, Pray, Love This is not a movie review. If you have yet to see the film adaptation of Elizabeth Gilbert’s Eat, [...]
August 23, 2010 2 Progressive Soul Mondays: Algebra Blessett An Atlanta native, Algebra Blessett had dreams of becoming a dancer, but eventually discovered that singing [...]
August 19, 2010 0 Edd’s MANtra: The Odd Trio What do you get when you take one of my all-time favorite lyricists, one of the wifey’s current [...]
August 18, 2010 1 Beyonce uses the f-word and Javacia gets something off her chest Beyonce is a pop icon that leaves many of us feminists scratching our heads. Does Bey offer a true message of [...]
August 17, 2010 0 Edd’s MANtra: Edd vs Antoine For the past couple of weeks, loyal GeorgiaMae readers have endured my rants on cyberspace’s favorite [...]
August 16, 2010 0 Progressive Soul Mondays: Hil St. Soul British duo Hilary Mwelwa and Victor Redwood-Sawyerr make up Hil St. Soul (pronounced Hill Street Soul). [...]
August 13, 2010 0 Edd’s MANtra: Defining a ‘Classic’ One of my biggest irritations about current hip-hop culture is the desire to label every single item, artist [...]
August 12, 2010 1 Edd’s MANtra: We Got To Do Better, Part 2 The Antoine Dodson mania must end. Ever since he embarrassed us all by ridiculously ranting against his [...]
August 12, 2010 1 Female infants in China growing breasts Those who promote breast feeding may have more strong support for their cause. This week the blogosphere [...]