September 23, 2009 2 Babes in TV Land The Fall 2009 issue of Venus Zine is devoted to television and film. For the issue the VZ staff compiled a [...]
September 22, 2009 2 My Immortal Some of you know that I have been without HBO since July 25, which for a True Blood fan is like being without [...]
September 21, 2009 0 Edd’s MANtra: Obama Speaks the Truth Remember last week when I mentioned that President Obama cussed out Kanye West? Well, if you didn’t [...]
September 18, 2009 3 Doubt I know Georgia Mae is a pop culture blog, but sometimes I need to work out some personal issues through my [...]
September 17, 2009 5 The Trouble with Tyler Perry Most people who know me know I’m not a huge fan of Tyler Perry. I think his heart is in the right place [...]
September 16, 2009 2 Edd’s MANtra: Tone Deaf This probably won’t surprise most of you, since my thriftiness is no secret across the ‘Net, but [...]
September 15, 2009 4 Edd’s MANtra: Everybody Hates Kanye You know, when Kanye West totally embarrassed black folks during the MTV Video Music Awards, I was pretty [...]
September 15, 2009 1 Goodbye Mr. Swayze Actor Patrick Swayze died yesterday after a long battle with pancreatic cancer. He was only 57. That makes [...]
September 14, 2009 3 20 Questions: 2009 VMAs Edition Conversation at the GeorgiaMae headquarters: Wifey: The MTV Video Music awards are on this Sunday. Me: [...]
September 14, 2009 2 Happy Birthday to Us! Georgia Mae turns 1 today. Thanks to all of you faithful readers who have helped this be a great year. [...]